Cancellation, Returns and Refunds

Can an order be canceled?

Orders once placed, are delivered by default. However, in any rare instance that you would want to cancel your order, email us at before the order is shipped.

What is Davaaguru’s return Policy?

Products purchased through can be returned under the following conditions:

- The product received was damaged and /or in an unusable condition

- The product received differs from the product you ordered or the wrong product was delivered to you.

Under what circumstances are returns not possible?

- When any consumable product(s) has been used or installed

- When a return request is placed/ informed outside the specified time frame of 7 days from delivery

- When the product is damaged or not in the same condition that it was received

- When the product has been tampered with or has missing serial numbers

- When anything from the delivered package is missing, including but not limited to price tags, labels, original packing, freebies, accessories, etc.

How can we inform Davaaguru about returns?

If the product received by you is damaged or in an unusable condition, or if the wrong product was delivered to you, you may email us at, within 7 days of order delivery and inform on the return with photographs of the damaged/wrong product delivery and associated order number and we will get back to you at the earliest.

When are refunds provided?

We at Davaaguru believe in & work towards providing a pleasant & hassle-free shopping experience. However, there could be situations, where a refund of payment would have to be processed to make your shopping experience as best as possible. Examples

- A) Damaged product delivered and returned.

- B) Wrong product being delivered.

- C) Long delay in fulfilling the order

How are refunds processed?

Any refunds will be processed back to the same account from which it was made. Ex. Refund for a payment made from a credit/debit card would be processed back to the same credit/debit card.

We tried placing our order using our debit card/credit card/Net Banking, but the order was not successful. What happens to the money deducted from the card?

Please check your bank/credit card account to first ensure that your account has been debited. If your account has been debited after a payment failure, it is normally rolled back by banks within 7 business days. The time taken can vary from bank to bank and we unfortunately will not be able to expedite this. Please check with your bank for more details. If your bank informs you otherwise, please get back to us. If the money has been credited to our account, we will initiate refund within 3 days of your request. Receipt of the refund would however depend on the mode of payment mode chosen by you. The expected timelines are as below for each payment mode.

- Net Banking: 5-7 Business days

- Debit Card: 5-7 Business days

- Credit Card: 10-15 Business days