About Us
DavaaGuru.com (a division of Trident Pharmaceutical & Surgical)
is an upcoming E.Com platform for medical consumables & disposables. Our customers
include Doctors, Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Professionals and end users such
as patients etc. we serve our customers through e-mail, online, through
internet and mobile technologies.
We empower medical professionals by providing products and services in an efficient and transparent way. Our customers are connected, informed and adapt to using technology to their advantage. In the last few years, Trident Pharmaceutical & Surgicals has established itself one of the leading hospital and medical consumable marketplace in india. Today we are fully equipped to render our services pan India. More than 2000 products we are supplying through our channels. We have served 1000 plus customers and counting.
Our mission
To provide our customers with compassionate care, quality equipment, and exceptional customer service.
To be the most respected national provider of medical equipment and services by maintaining the utmost quality and professionalism.
Our Team
Trident Pharmaceutical & Surgical